Through my work at the Association for the Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents (APHCA) as well as at the Day Center and the Alzheimer Center of the Psychogeriatric Association “The Nestor” I have obtained clinical experience with children, adolescents and adults. Also, I have attended the Cognitive Psychotherapy Program of the Eginition University Hospital and a cycle of introductory lectures of clinical and theoretical content on Psychoanalysis delivered by the Greek Psychoanalytic Society.
As a member of the scientific team of the APHCA, from 2008-2013 I participated in interventions programs about school bullying that aimed at reducing bullying and victimization in the elementary schools in Greece as well as at enhancing positive attitudes toward school and academic achievement.
I have conducted research in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Neurology of the University of Athens, the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Patras, the University Mental Health Research Institute of Athens and the Department of Neuroscience of the University of Edinburgh. My research work has been published in international peer reviewed journals and has been presented in Greek and International Scientific Congresses.
Currently, I am working as a lecturer of psychology at the American College of Greece, Deree, and as a research associate at the Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology Unit of the 2nd Department of Neurology, University General Hospital “ATTIKON”, Athens.
Publications in peer reviewed foreign journals:
- Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Nanou ED, Hountala C, Maganioti AE, Capsalis CN, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. (2009). Effect of initiation-inhibition and handedness on the patterns of the P50 event-related potential component: a low resolution electromagnetic tomography study. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 5, 51.
- Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. (2010). Effect of handedness on Stroop Colour Word Task. Laterality, 15, 597-609.
- Papageorgiou C, Beratis IN, Rabavilas AD, Nanou ED, Hountala CD, Maganioti AE, Capsalis CN, Papadimitriou GN, & Stefanis CN. (2010). Pre-attentive operation and psychoticism: a P50 event related potential study. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 593-599.
- Moukas G, Stathopoulou A, Gourzis P, Beratis IN, Beratis S. (2010). Relationship of “prodromal” symptoms with severity and type of psychopathology in the active phase of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51, 1-7.
- Moukas G, Gourzis P, Beratis IN, Beratis S. (2010). Sex differences in prepsychotic “prodromal” symptomatology and its association with Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale active phase psychopathology in male and female patients. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51, 546-551.
- Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Papadimitriou GN, & Papageorgiou C. (2011). Eysenck’s model of personality and psychopathological components in right- and left-handers. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1267-1272.
- Tsapanou A, Margioti L, Beratis IN, Papatriantafyllou J, Kamtsadeli V, Nika A, Tsilikopoulou G, Kalfakis N, Sakka P, Bamidis P, & Papageorgiou SG. (2011). Cognitive and physical training for the prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly: Preliminary data of the Long Lasting Memories European project. Neuroscience Letters, 500, Supplement: e5-e6.
- Tourikis ID, & Beratis IN. (2013). Community psychological stressor-induced secondary sex ratio decline after a seismic sequence in the Greek island of Zakynthos. Journal of Biosocial Science, 45, 231-238.
- Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Kyprianou M, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. (2013). Investigation of the link between handedness and higher order cognitive functions, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35, 393-403.
- Stathopoulou A, Beratis IN, Beratis S. (2013). Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure, risk of schizophrenia, and severity of positive/negative symptoms. Schizophrenia Research, 148, 105-110.
- Tsiantis AC, Beratis ΙN, Syngelaki ΕM, Stefanakou Α, Asimopoulos A, Sideridis GD, Tsiantis J. (2013). The Effects of a Clinical Prevention Program on Bullying, Victimization, and Attitudes toward School of Elementary School Students. Behavioral Disorders, 38, 243-257.
- Asimopoulos A, Vasilakaki E, Gianakopoulou D, Beratis IN, Papadopoulou K, Fyssas K, & Xatzipemou Th. Activities in class for the prevention of school bullying. Editor: J Tsiantis, Association for the Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents (APHCA), Athens, 2011.
- Asimopoulos A, Xatzipemou Th, Fyssas K, Beratis IN, Laggari V, Vasilakaki E, Gianakopoulou D, Papadopoulou K, Akalestou MI, Papagiannopoulou V, Syngelaki EM, Stefanakou A, & Tsiantis ACJ. Stop school bullying: activities for the prevention of school bullying in primary school students. Editors: J Tsiantis, A Asimopoulos, & ACJ Tsiantis. Association for the Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents (APHCA), Athens, 2013.
Publications in Proceedings of International Congresses:
- Sideridis GD, Beratis IN, Tsiantis AC, Syngelaki EM, Asimopoulos C, Laggari V, Akalestou MI, Papagiannopoulou V, Fissas C, Stefanakou A, Chatzipemou T, Diareme S, Tsiantis J. (2013). The revised Pro-Victim Scale: Evidence of Construct, Convergent, and Discriminant Validity. Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences (Accepted)
- Syngelaki EM, Sideridis GD, Tsiantis AC, Beratis IN, Akalestou MI, Stefanakou A, Laggari V, Fissas C, Papagiannopoulou V, Chatzipemou T, Asimopoulos C, Kolaitis GA, Tsiantis J. (2013). Multidimensionality of the Child Posttraumatic Stress Reaction Index: A Myth. Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences (Accepted)
- Pavlou D, Beratis IN, Loizidou A, Andronas N, Yannis G, Economou A, Papadimitriou E, Papantoniou P, Papageorgiou SG, “Effects of cerebral diseases on driver distraction”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013
- Yannis G, Golias J, Antoniou C, Papadimitriou E, Vardaki S, Papantoniou P, Pavlou D, Papageorgiou S, Andronas N, Papatriantafyllou I, Liozidou A, Beratis IN, Kontaxopoulou D, Fragkiadaki S, Economou A,”Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013
- Vardaki S, Yannis G, Pavlou D, Beratis IN, Papageorgiou SG, “Sign recall in a fixed-base simulator as a measure of fitness-to-drive”, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014
Publications in peer reviewed Greek journals:
- Karaivazoglou K, Ifanti A, Beratis IN, Gerolimos MK, Asimakopoulos K, Oikonomou A, Kalofonos CP, Oikonomou GB. (2007). Effect of social support and religiousness on psychological functioning of oncological patients under chemotherapy. Forum of Clinical Oncology, 6, 189-195.
- Beratis IN, & Papageorgiou SG. (2014). Heart surgery and the risk of cognitive decline. Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 31, 186-190.
Presentations in international congresses:
- Beratis IN, Konstantinidis E, Psarra G. Differences between smokers and nonsmokers in personality characteristics assessed by the projective T.A.T. 2009 World Mental health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, “Working Together for Mental Health”, Athens, Greece 2-6 September, 2009 (oral presentation).
- Papageorgiou C, Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Nanou ED, Hountala C, Maganioti AE, Capsalis CN, Papadimitriou GN. Pre-attentive operation and psychoticism: a P50 event related potential study. XX World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Turin, Italy, 23–26 September, 2009 (poster presentation).
- Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Nanou ED, Hountala C, Maganioti AE, Capsalis CN, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. P300 based hemispheric lateralization of handedness: An event related potential study. 10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 May – 2 June, 2011 (poster presentation)
- Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. Neuroticism and handedness: Risky combinations for psychopathology. 10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 May – 2 June, 2011 (poster presentation-Best Poster Tour)
- Tsapanou A, Margioti L, Beratis IN, Papatriantafyllou JD, Kamtsadeli V, Nika A, Tsilikopoulou G, Kalfakis N, Sakka P, Bamidis P, Papageorgiou SG. Cognitive and physical training for prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly: preliminary data of the Long Lasting Memories European project. Society of Applied Neurosciences, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011 (oral presentation).
- Tsapanou A, Margioti L, Beratis IN, Papatriantafyllou JD, Kamtsadeli V, Nika A, Tsilikopoulou G, Kalfakis N, Sakka P, Bamidis P, Papageorgiou SG. Cognitive and physical training for prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly: preliminary data of the Long Lasting Memories European project. 15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Budapest, Hungary, 2011 (poster presentation).
- Tsapanou A, Matsi S, Beratis IN, Routsis C, Bonakis A, Kalfakis N, Papageorgiou SG. Depression and apathy at Parkinson disease: the effect of gender and age at onset. 22nd Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 9 – 12 June, 2012, P655 (poster presentation).
- Beratis IN, Syngelaki EM, Tsiantis J, Tsiantis ACJ. Parental unemployment and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. 15th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Dublin, Ireland, 2013 (oral presentation).
- Tsiantis ACJ, Syngelaki EM, Beratis IN, Asimopoulos C, Dimitropoulou E, Tsiantis J. Antibullying programmes for primary and secondary education in Greece. 15th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Dublin, Ireland, 2013 (oral presentation).
- Economou A, Beratis IN, Kosmidis MH, Liosidou A, Andronas N, Papatriantafyllou J, Jannis G, Papageorgiou SG. Neuropsychological parameters associated with driver distraction in a driving simulator experiment: presentation of methodology and preliminary findings. 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Barcelona, Spain, 2013 (poster presentation).
- Vasilopoulou M, Beratis IN, Kanellopoulou E, Pateraki L. Schizophrenia symptoms in relation to working memory deficits. 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 (poster presentation).
- Papageorgiou SG, Beratis IN, Andronas N, Economou A, Pavlou D, Stougioti S, Tsivgoulis G, Stefanis L, Yannis G. Predictors of driving competence in individuals with MCI. Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, 2014 (oral presentation).
- Beratis IN, Andronas, N, Economou A, Pavlou D, Liozidou A, Antonellou R, Yannis G, Stefanis L, Papageorgiou SG. Prediction of driving performance in patients with Parkinson’s disease: the role of the comprehensive Trail Making test. Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, 2014 (poster presentation). Best Presentation Award
- Kontaxopoulou D, Beratis IN, Fragiadaki S, Economou A, Andronas N, Pavlou D, Papatriantafyllou J, Papageorgiou SG. Incidental versus Intentional memory: Their relation and their correlates in the general population. Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, 2014 (poster presentation).
- Fragiadaki S, Beratis IN, Kontaxopoulou D, Andronas N, Liozidou A, Economou A, Kosmidis M, Papageorgiou SG. Self-awareness of performance in cognitive testing: differences between normal elderly and MCI patients. Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, 2014 (poster presentation).
- Economou A, Beratis IN, Pavlou D, Andronas N, Liozidou A, Stougioti S, Giannis G, Papageorgiou SG. Reaction time to incidents as a function of age and neurological disease: preliminary findings from a large driving simulator experiment. Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, 2014 (poster presentation).
- Economou A, Papageorgiou SG, Kosmidis M, Andronas N, Beratis IN, Pavlou D, Giannis G. Speed and accident rates in MCI and mild AD patients: preliminary results from a large driving simulation experiment with the use of distraction. 2nd International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, Valencia, Spain 2014 (accepted).
- 18. Economou A, Kosmidis M., Beratis IN, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. Speed and accident rates in MCI, AD, and PD patients: preliminary results from a large driving simulation experiment with the use of distraction. American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA, 2014 (accepted).
Presentations in Greek congresses:
- Beratis IN, Karaibazoglou K, Ifanti A, Bixa A, Asimakopoulos Κ, Kalofonos CP, Oikonomou GB. Effect of social support on psychological functioning of oncological patients. 14th National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Hellenic Society of Oncological Disorders, Athens, 8-10 May, 2008 (poster presentation).
- Beratis IN, Psarra G. Profile of children age 8-10 years measured by the projective CAT test. 1st National Congress of Developmental Psychology, Hellenic Psychological Society, Athens, 29 May – 1 June, 2008 (poster presentation).
- Soubasi E, Beratis IN, Christopoulos P, Gourzis P. Metabolic syndrome and atypical antipsychotics. 5th National Congress of Psychiatry in the General Hospital, National Society of General Hospital Psychiatry, Corfu, 30 April – 3 May, 2009 (poster presentation).
- Soubasi E, Beratis IN, Christopoulos P, Gourzis P. Prodromal phase in schizophrenia. 5th National Congress of Psychiatry in the General Hospital, National Society of General Hospital Psychiatry, Corfu, 30 April – 3 May, 2009 (poster presentation).
- Beratis IN, Soubasi E, Gourzis P. Factors Affecting Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders. 35th National Medical Congress, Medical Society of Athens, 5-9 May, 2009 (oral presentation).
- Soubasi E, Beratis IN, Gourzis P. Prevention in psychosis. 35th National Medical Congress, Medical Society of Athens, 5-9 May, 2009 (oral presentation).
- Soubasi E, Beratis IN, Gourzis P. Diabetes mellitus and atypical antipsychotics. 35th National Medical Congress, Medical Society of Athens, 5-9 May, 2009 (oral presentation).
- Beratis IN. Communication and emotions in artistic creation. Symposium, Current approaches in communication: education of psychology students of the NKUA and enhancement of their communication skills by applying visual and auditory material. 12th National Congress of Psychological Research, “Contribution of psychological research in the current society”, Hellenic Psychological Society and University of Thessalia, Volos, 14-17 May, 2009 (oral presentation).
- Beratis IN, Konstantinidis E, Psarra G. Psychological profile measured by the projective TAT test. 12th National Congress of Psychological Research, “Contribution of psychological research in the current society”, Hellenic Psychological Society and University of Thessalia, Volos, 14-17 May, 2009 (poster presentation).
- Beratis IN. Psychiatric symptomatology and quality of life in dementia. Round Table “Where to focus for the improvement of the quality of life of patients with dementia and the reduction of the burden of the caregivers”. 7th National Medical-Interscientific Congress for Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders, Thessaloniki, 16-20 February, 2011 (oral presentation).
- Tsapanou A, Margioti L, Beratis IN, Papatriantafyllou JD, Kamtsadeli, V, Nika A, Theodoropoulou A, Tsilikopoulou G, Kalfakis N, Sakka P, Bamidis P, Papageorgiou SG. Mental and physical training for the improvement of cognitive functionality in the elderly: preliminary findings of the application of the European program: ‘Long Lasting Memories’ in Athens. 25th National Congress of Greek Neurologists, Athens, 2011 (poster presentation).
- Tourikis ID, Voultsou A, Sidirokastriti O, Xasioti EI, Touriki EF, Beratis IN. Secondary sex ratio decline after a seismic sequence in the Greek island of Zakynthos. 16th Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Athens, 2011 (poster presentation).
- Tsiantis AC, Syngelaki ΕM, Beratis ΙN, Akalestou ΜI, Stefanakou Α, Laggari V, Fissas C, Papagiannopoulou V, Chatzipemou T, Asimopoulos A, Sideridis GD, Tsiantis J. The link between bullying/victimization, school denial and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. 2nd National Congress of Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches in Children and Adolescents, Athens, 2012, (poster presentation).
- Liozidou Α., Beratis IN, Athanasouli P, Margioti L, Routsis C, Papageorgiou SG. Frontal Assessment Battery-FAB: initial normative data for individuals above 50 years old. 1st Meeting of the Hellenic Neurological Society, Volos, 2012 (oral presentation).
- Beratis ΙN, Apostolopoulou Ε., Zorzos Μ., Mougias Α. A cognitive stimulation program in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. 12th National Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Athens, 2012 (oral presentations).
- Beratis, ΙN. Neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia. Clinical Workshop: Scales used for the detection of neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive impairments in older individuals. 12th National Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Athens, 2012.
- Kotrotsou Ε., Beratis ΙN, Elena D, Mougias Α. Clinical manifestation of depression in individuals with dementia and in the general population. 12th National Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Athens, 2012 (oral presentation).
- Beratis, IN. The use of neuropsychological tests for the evaluation of legal capacity in individuals with dementia. 1st National Psychiatric-judicial Conference, Athens, Greece, 2012 (oral presentation).
- Syngelaki EM, Beratis IN, Akalestou MI, Stefanakou A, Laggari V, Fissas C, Papagiannopoulou V, Chatzipemou T, Asimopoulos A, Sideridis G, Kolaitis GA, Tsiantis AC. Studying the relationship between school bullying and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. 8th National Conference of Child Psychiatry, Athens, 31 May – 1 June, 2013. (oral presentation)